IPTV – Wayfinding


MKTG’s IPTV system manages the content on the hundreds of TV screens around Marvel Stadium. These screens are used for advertising as well as menus, wayfinding and house-keeping.

As part of your venue hiring agreement, you will be able to host graphics across this screen as well as have the every day graphics themed to your look.

MKTG will be creating hundreds of these graphics with your branding.

The following are instructions for what we need from you to make this happen, and make the event feel completely yours.

If you have any additional creatives or messages, these can be created in the IPTV Suite spec.

Review and follow our best practices guide to ensure your content displays correctly at the stadium. Example videos and images are available for reference..

Need assitance? MKTG Creative is here to help..

Submission & Deadlines

All content is submitted via our content management portal MKTG Drop.
Instructions for uploading and re-using content via MKTG Drop can be found here..

All assets will need to be provided to MKTG 10 business days before the first event.

Contact MKTG immediately if you are unable to meet this deadline.

General content guidelines

What works best

What to avoid

Template specs

You will need to provide some assets to MKTG so that we can roll-out hundreds of unique way-finding and housekeeping graphics for the event.

We need 1 x .zip file containing

    • Fonts
    • Logos with transparency
    • Brand guidelines document
    • 1 or more plain brand background options

Backgrounds can be static images or short, basic looping videos. You may provide more than one background option.

Background graphics should be in your brand’s style, however don’t include any logos or text, these will be added in later.

If no background is provided, a brand colour will be used.

Background file format

Content Dimensions FPS File type Codec Duration
1920 x 1080
15 seconds
1920 x 1080
.jpg or .png
RGB with alpha

Asset submission

Email your components to James McKenzie.

What gets built

From the supplied assets, content is created for all the stadium TV screens. These include a full suite of branding assets, housekeeping messages (eg. no smoking, alcohol rules, code of conduct), wayfinding slides, and video walls.

For the housekeeping slides, we have a list of generic venue messages that are on rotation throughout the event. You can check these in this spreadsheet.

If you require any changes to this list or additional slides, adjust the spreadsheet and email it to James McKenzie.


Elizabeth Cook

Content Director

Isaac Moores

MKTG Creative / Specs

Kelvin Giraldo

MKTG Creative / Specs

Create content with
MKTG Creative

We craft content for a broad range of clients across a comprehensive suite of assets. From design to stadium to social media, our in-house studio is a time efficient and cost effective solution.

MKTG Creative can help not only create content, but provide expert advice on best practice.

Elizabeth Cook

Head of Content

Isaac Moores

MKTG Creative / Specs