Changeroom LED


Between the changeroom and the field there is a long LED screen.

Some or all may be available to venue hirers / clubs. MKTG will inform you which screens you will be able to use.

These screens can feature no commercial messages.

Review and follow our best practices guide to ensure your content displays correctly at the stadium. Example videos and images are available for reference..

Need assitance? MKTG Creative is here to help..

Submission & Deadlines

All content is submitted via our content management portal MKTG Drop.
Instructions for uploading and re-using content via MKTG Drop can be found here..

All assets will need to be provided to MKTG 5 business days before the first event.

Contact MKTG immediately if you are unable to meet this deadline.

General content guidelines

What works best

What to avoid


Maximise scale

Content should fill up as much of the LED height as possible.

There are no safe areas on the LED, all pixels will be seen.

Big and bold is best

Text and graphics should be large and bold to maximise legibility from a distance.

Shorter messages perform better than longer creatives with a lot of copy.

High contrast

Maximise contrast between the background and foreground elements.

Dark or colourful backgrounds

Dark or bold colour backgrounds perform best on broadcast.

White and lighter colours should be avoided as the white can overpower the content.

Animation tips

Animated content can be a great way to draw the eye and display multiple messages over the duration of the content.

However animations must not be too distracting, scroll too fast, feature too many messages or flashing graphics.

Consider having your branding/main message on screen for the majority of the duration.

You can use photos, product images and video on the LED, however using these elements exclusively isn’t very effective in this space.

Changeroom LED spec

You are able to supply static or animated content for this space. 

There is no set duration for this spec, however any video file will loop.

For the AFL season the MCC have requested no overt commercial content, small logos may be accepted. Charity partners are exempt from any restrictions.

Example content - 1440 x 384


Content dimensions
1440 x 384

File format

Content FPS File type Codec Duration
Any (looping)
.jpg or .png

MKTG Drop asset

MKTG Drop Asset
Changeroom LED - MCG



Elizabeth Cook

Content Director

Isaac Moores

MKTG Creative / Specs

Kelvin Giraldo

MKTG Creative / Specs

Create content with
MKTG Creative

We craft content for a broad range of clients across a comprehensive suite of assets. From design to stadium to social media, our in-house studio is a time efficient and cost effective solution.

MKTG Creative can help not only create content, but provide expert advice on best practice.

Elizabeth Cook

Head of Content

Isaac Moores

MKTG Creative / Specs